Currently WhatsApp has become the largest messaging platform in India. But WhatsApp recently closed about 1 lakh accounts in India. You know what the reason. You didn’t make this mistake?

Meta, the main organization of WhatsApp, has taken this step. Its main purpose is to stop growing fraud and abuse on the platform. The company says the decision has been made to protect users from online fraud and provide a safe environment.

1.66 million accounts have been blocked immediately to not obey WhatsApp rules. Other accounts were banned after the review was found if evidence was found in suspicious activity.

The users have banned more than 1.6 million accounts WhatsApp by observing itself without any complaint. In fact, WhatsApp has some rules and conditions. If not followed, the company has the right to close WhatsApp account.

These include serious complaints like sending bulk messages without permission, spamming and fraudulent activity, spreading false or misleading information. In addition, local law violation accounts have been banned. 10,707 has filed a complaint against the user account. About 5% of these cases have been immediately taken. The company paid special attention to the allegations related to harassment, fraud, or proper behavior.

According to the company, WhatsApp has taken this step to make the platform safe and reliable. Meta’s ban on millions of accounts shows that the company is constantly taking drastic measures to prevent fraud and abuse.
Published AT: 22 Feb 2025 09:24 PM (IST)
Whatsapp whatsapp accounts ban
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