Water on Mars Jezero Crater: Space agencies around the world are searching for signs of life on Mars. The American space agency NASA is at the forefront, which has sent its missions to Mars. A new study has revealed that there are signs of water in the rock samples collected from the Red Planet by NASA’s Perseverance rover. This discovery has once again strengthened the question whether there ever was life on Mars?

spacedotcom’s Report According to, the rock samples were collected from Jezero Crater of Mars in the year 2022. Samples were taken from the western slope of the crater. Regarding this area, scientists believe that this area was the point where the river once flowed.

According to the report, Tanja Bosak, lead author of the study and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has said that these rocks confirm an environment on Mars that may have once been habitable. There were water related activities. However, scientists do not know how long the conditions were habitable.

While collecting samples, the Perseverance rover did not detect organic matter inside the rocks. However, scientists have found minerals including carbonates in the sample, from which rocks have also been found on Earth. Scientists believe that this material also preserves fossils related to microscopic life. This means that in the future such missions can be sent to Mars, which will detect fossil signs there.

Earlier, NASA’s Curiosity Rover had also found a place on Mars where it was suspected that there might be a water lake. These marks were found in a special area of ​​Mars known as Sulphate Bearing Unit. Just a few months ago, the Curiosity Rover crashed during a flight and is now gone forever.

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