Genimed is the largest moon of the planet Jupiter. It is bigger than the planet Mercury in size. Scientists believe that the ocean is hidden under its snowy surface. This is the reason why scientists from all over the world want to explain it.
Juno Spacecraft reached the orbit of the planet Jupiter in 2016. Since then it has been monitoring him continuously. On 8 April this year, Juno completed the 50th close pass of the planet Jupiter. That is, Spacecraft completed 50 revolutions around Brihaspati. This spacecraft is also interrupting the moon of the planets, of which Genimed is prominent.
Scientists had earlier estimated the presence of salts and organic materials on Genimed. The data of Hubble Telescopes gave this indication from him, but the confirmation has now happened when the Juno Spacecraft has collected the data. According to the report, Juno Spacecraft flew over Genimade on June 7, 2021 at an altitude of 1,046 km. Jiram Instrument on Juno collected data from Genimed.
For scientists, as much interesting planet is the planet, its moon is as important. The evidence found so far suggests that the Moon of Jupiter can be hot, salty and full of elements enabled life.