According to the information, Estroid is in the main Estroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in the psychiatry space. Its distance is about 3.5 billion kilometers from Earth. According to NASA, his mission will circle the psychy for about 26 months. He will take the image of Extroid. Will collect data, so that scientists can help to understand more about its history and structure.
It was the 16th Estroid discovered from Earth. Siki was discovered in the year 1852 by Italian astronomer Anibel de Gesparis. It was named after the goddess of the soul in ancient Greek mythology. Its size is estimated to be 226 km. The size of the cycle is like potato.
Estroid Psychies have precious metals. It is estimated that it is so valuable that if it is distributed equally on the earth, then everyone can become a billionaire. NASA’s Administrator Bill Nelson has hoped that the Space Agency may find diamonds and pearls on that estateroid.
NASA will not bring anything on earth!
According to media ports, the US space agency does not plan to remove precious metals from Saili.
Mission’s Principal Investigator Lindy Elkins-Tanton said that there is no technique to bring Siki back to Earth. By doing this, there may be a collision between the earth and this estateroid. Even the effort is successful, then so much goods will come in the metal market that its value will be zero.