NASA Lay Off: Is there no job safe in NASA. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) has announced a trimming of 530 employees i.e. about 8 per cent. The uncertainty in the budget of 2024 and the lack of budget has been described as the reason for this. One Statement It has been said that about 530 employees and 40 contractors will be extracted after the due to the reduction in spending for Mars sample returns (MSR) and attempts to reduce costs.

Significantly, NASA has planned to bring those samples from Mars to the earth by 2030, which are currently being collected on the red planet. NASA JPL says that we have to decide to lay down because NASA has got a lower budget and there is also an untreated budget for the upcoming budget.

NASA JPL had fired 100 contractors last month. Many of them were working on Mars sample returns (MSR). JPL director Laurie Leshin said in an interview last month that he had already told the employees about the possibility of trimming.

In a memo given to JPL staff on 6 February, Lashin said that after measures like banning new recruitments, cuts in Mars sample returns (MSR), it is now being forced to lay off. He also said that the employees who are working will do the work from home, so that they do not come under any stress.

Recently, Lesheen had told the employees that the MSR mission could be limited to a budget of $ 300 million (about Rs 2,490 crore) this year. The US space agency has run scissors on the budget of several more missions. The agency has been forced to take this step after the government has a low budget sensation.

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