Nasa Jupiter IO Mission: There are many Moon of Jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system. Most of the thing is about Europe, but NASA’s new mission is about to explore Jupiter’s Moon ‘IO’ (IO). IO is such an astronomical mind, which is the home of Javalamukhi. There are many active volumes about which the Space Agency wants to know. NASA’s Juno Spacecraft will examine the volcanic activities of IO. This work will be done under the supervision of Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Spacekraft will not land on the surface

Report According to, Juno SpaceCraft will not land on the surface of ‘IO’ during the mission. He will remain about 930 miles (1496.69 km) away from the IO and will circle it. During this time, the work of spacecraft will be done to check the temperature of lava flowing on the IO and find out what kind of activities it contains.

During the mission, Juno Spacecraft will use three of its cameras and will take a high resolution picture of the IO. It is said that in February next year, after 2 months, Juno Spacecraft will fly very close to IO. However, it is also going to go close to IO tomorrow. The goal has been set to end the mission by 2025. Juno will have to change its class 18 times while on the journey of IO.

Juno Spacecraft reached the orbit of the planet Jupiter in 2016. Since then it has been monitoring him continuously. On 8 April this year, Juno completed the 50th close pass of the planet Jupiter. That is, Spacecraft completed 50 revolutions around Brihaspati. This spacecraft is also seizing other moon of the planets, of which Genimed is prominent.

For scientists, as much interesting planet is the planet, its moon is as important. The evidence found so far suggests that the Moon of Jupiter can be hot, salty and full of elements enabled life.

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