This in Nature Geosines Study Publisher Has happened The writer of the study and the research student of the UK Open University (OU), Benjamin Man, studied the planet Mercury using data from American Space Agency NASA (NASA )’s Messenger Mission (2011-2015). He discovered new geopolites on the planet, called Grabens.
Benjamin said that we have so many important grubmens. It indicates that the tectonism of Mercury has become active at the current and its effect is on the entire planet. According to the PTI report, the first proof of the shrinking of Mercury planet came to light in the year 1974 when the ‘Meriner 10’ mission showed pictures of several kilometers high scarpies (ramps) that have made their way for hundreds of kilometers.
Then NASA’s Messenger Mission revolves around Mercury between 2011 and 2015. This revealed scarpies in all parts of the planet Mercury. The study estimated that the radius of Mercury has decreased by about 7 km. However, scientists have not known when this happened.
One opinion is that the ramp -like slope on the planet Mercury is about 3 billion years old. But are all the slopes so old. Are they still active today? In the e -study, scientists have found evidence that many slopes have continued to move forward in recent times, even though they started billions of years ago. So this means that the planet Mercury is still shrinking.