There may be reserves of liquid water beneath the surface of Mars. This water is thought to exist in broken igneous rocks beneath the planet’s surface. Scientists think that this water will fill an ocean. These conclusions have been drawn after analyzing seismic data received from NASA’s robotic InSight lander. Researchers have said that this water present about 7.2 to 12.4 miles (11.5 to 20 kilometers) below the surface of Mars provides favorable conditions for the formation of microbial life, whether we talk about it in today’s context or in the past. of.

According to NDTV report, this study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It is said that the depth where igneous rocks exist beneath the surface of Mars is so hot that it can keep water in liquid form. As the depth decreases, water will turn into ice.

According to the report, microbial life exists at a certain depth on Earth too. There is enough water in the rocks there also.

NASA’s Insight Lander, from which this information was obtained, had landed on Earth in the year 2018. The lander collected data about many layers of the planet, from its liquid metal core to the mantle and crust. The Insight mission will end in 2022.

InSight’s data has shown that reserves of liquid water exist inside broken igneous rocks in the planet’s outermost layer, i.e. beneath its surface. It is believed that these rocks are formed by the cooling and solidification of lava.

Scientists believe that if that water is extracted, an ocean one to two kilometers deep can be formed on the entire surface of Mars. Scientists also believe that initially there must have been water on the surface of Mars. At that time the surface there would have been warmer than today. This research can help in exploring the possibilities of life on Mars.

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