NASA’s James Web Space Telescope can now look far in the infinite world of space. Now JWS has gathered an information about the icy moon of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Scientists have found a clue to get carbon dioxide out of the salty ocean on Jupiter, or Jupiter’s Moon Europa (Europa).

Space scientists had for a long time know that the ocean of water was hidden under the snowy layer of Jupiter’s Europea satellite. But it was not known about them whether this water is suitable for life or not. But now the found of carbon in it creates the possibility of life growing here. Esa According to, carbon dioxide gas has been found coming out of the water from under the snow on Jupiter’s moon.

The head of the study, scientist Geronimo Villainuiva of the Space Flight Center, NASA, said, “The more chemical diversity in life on earth, the more it flourishes. We are life made of carbon. By understanding the chemical characteristics of Europe, we will be able to know whether this life can be the right place to flourish. This shows that before we look under the snow there, and the whole situation is clearly revealed, we can know about the basic chemical composition of the ocean there.

James Web Telescope has detected carbon gas on the Europea Moon.

James Web Telescope has detected carbon gas on the Europea Moon.
Photo Credit: ESA

Another interesting thing has been told by the agency here that the team has done this in the presence of Observation Infrared using James Web Space Telescope’s Near Infrared Spectrograph (Nirspec) equipment. It said that the carbon Europe there was not delivered to any meteor body or any other astronomical event. Rather it has come from within the satellite. It is coming from under the surface of the snow.

JWST discovered that the carbon dioxide on Europe has been found in the highest amount of its fresh geographical location. It is called Tara Regio. The broken snow here shows that matter is being exchanged between the icy surface of Europe and the ocean below it. Chemical procedures are taking place here. Scientists are now involved in its detail study so that the possibilities of life on Europe can be detected.

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