ISRO Aditya L1 Mission: ‘Surya Namaskar of India’ is going to be completed in space. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will reach its goal tomorrow tomorrow. This satellite of ISRO will enter its scheduled orbit at 4 pm on January 6. The ‘Aditya L-1’ mission was launched on 2 September last year. Since then it has fixed a 37 lakh kilometer winding gap. ISRO says that the condition of the Aditya SpaceCraft is better. It has started pulling pictures of the sun before reaching its goal.

L1 Point is Aditya’s final destination

Aditya-L-1 will stand around the Sun around 1.5 million kilometers from the Earth around the first Lagrangeian point (L1) of the Sun-Earth. You may find this distance too much, but it is just 1 percent of the total distance of Earth and Sun. The L1 point is a balanced gravitational place between the Earth and the Sun, which also calls the space agencies ‘parking’.

Why ISRO chose L1 Point

This is a point from where the Sun can always be monitored. When the mission starts its work, ISRO will be able to know solar activities in realtime. Aditya Spacecraft has taken 7 scientific instruments with it. All are Saveshi and are designed by various departments of India. With the help of instruments, different parts of the Sun will be studied.

Sun took a photo of Surya last month

While reaching the floor, the Aditya Spacecraft drew the full discovery of the Sun last month. Spacecraft captured the Sun in the camera in such a way that was not done before now. The photo was in Near Ultraviolet Wavelling. The photo could be seen in the photo of the sun’s photosphere and chromosphere.

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