L1 Point is Aditya’s final destination
Aditya-L-1 will stand around the Sun around 1.5 million kilometers from the Earth around the first Lagrangeian point (L1) of the Sun-Earth. You may find this distance too much, but it is just 1 percent of the total distance of Earth and Sun. The L1 point is a balanced gravitational place between the Earth and the Sun, which also calls the space agencies ‘parking’.
Why ISRO chose L1 Point
This is a point from where the Sun can always be monitored. When the mission starts its work, ISRO will be able to know solar activities in realtime. Aditya Spacecraft has taken 7 scientific instruments with it. All are Saveshi and are designed by various departments of India. With the help of instruments, different parts of the Sun will be studied.
Sun took a photo of Surya last month
While reaching the floor, the Aditya Spacecraft drew the full discovery of the Sun last month. Spacecraft captured the Sun in the camera in such a way that was not done before now. The photo was in Near Ultraviolet Wavelling. The photo could be seen in the photo of the sun’s photosphere and chromosphere.