Time Travel is a concept that has always excited scientists. In all Hollywood films, the common people are also friendly from this concept to see the hero traveling time. However, in reality, nothing is possible yet. In 2020, German Tobar, a student of Fijix at the University of Queensland, Australia, worked on ways to make time travel possible. The argument that he had given is once again going viral.

Science alert Report According to the hypothesses of the germain tobber, it says that if you know the condition of that system in a perticular time in classical dynamics, it can tell us the history of that entire system.

However, many principles say that time travel is not possible. For example, it can be impossible according to thermodynamic theory of the universe. At the same time, the second principle of thermodynamics states that things in the universe can either remain the same or ruined over time. Time grows in the front direction, cannot go back.

German Tobbar worked under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Costa. He claimed that time travel could be done. This research was published in classical and quantum gravity. However, this is only a hypothesis. Scientists have not yet thought about how time travel will be possible.

Time travels seem easy in Hollywood films. But it is impossible to take a person back in time or take it forward in time. The concept of germain tobbar is a part of it. His research can be important in the sense to cooperate in the future research.

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