Indian scientists have made a big claim. It is said that the airbuilding (stir) produced in the air during breathing can serve as a biometric eminent method. That is, smartphones and other devices can be unlocked with that movement. The biggest advantage of this will be that the personal gadget of the dead person will not be unlocked. Mahesh Panchalanula of Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai and his team have collected this information from their experiments.

The team experimented with breeding data recorded from air pressure sensor. Initially, the aim of scientists was to develop only an AI model, which could identify patients with respiratory diseases. NDTV’s Report According to, the breathing data gave more information than the expectations of scientists.

Researchers found that the AI ​​model once analyzes the respiratory data of a vegetable, then 97 percent can verify with the accuracy whether the person has taken a new breath or not.

Researchers also tested whether the AI ​​model could differentiate the breath of two people. He showed this work with more than 50 percent of the Aquaisi. Scientists say that the AI ​​model identifies its special pattern, which produces turbidas in the nose, mouth, throat of a human being.

Although this experiment is beginner, but is excited. At present, many types of technology are used for biometric eminence, but the use of breath will be completely new for biometrics. In many films, we have seen that the smartphones and other gadgets of the dead human are unlocked. If the gadgets start getting unlocked from the breath, then no one’s device will be unlocked after death.

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