The star that the Ecoplanet revolves is LHS 1140. He is a small and less bright star and is present in the Setus planetarium.
Scientists discovered LHS 1140B Ecoplanet in the year 2017. Since then it has been seen through many telescopes. Researchers now know that LHS 1140B is a rocky planet and is about 1.7 times wide than our earth.
One more thing has come to light from all the observations so far. LHS 1140B is not sufficiently dense. This means that either it should have too much water or it should have elements like hydrogen and helium.
However, researchers do not know what can happen in both of them right now. However, this secret may be revealed in the coming years. Powerful telescopes such as James Web Telescopes can be ascertained that if LHS 1140B has a water world, it can be the first choice of ancnet scientists in search of life out of our solar system. This study in the Estrophysical Journal Letters Publisher Has happened
In the past, another report revealed that liquid water could be present on the surface of the exoplanet for many billions of years even under various circumstances. Researchers at Burn University, Zurich University and National Center of Competition in Research (NCCR) gave this information in a study.