One thing in the planet Saturn and Saturn is common. Aurora appears in both planets. You must be wondering what are the auroras? This is the beautiful natural light made in our sky. At the time of night, Aurora is seen near North and South Pols. The American space agency NASA has shared on its Instagram handle how the Auroras are made in the planet Saturn. NASA has shown the picture of Aurora made on the planet Saturn. The special thing is that the picture was clicked in the year 2004.

The Space Agency wrote that the bright aurora seen in this image was born due to a disturbance in the air. Recently, one research has also confirmed that the winds there are due to the aurora made on the planet Saturn. Scientists at the University of Leicseter have claimed that some auroras of the planet Saturn are born from the winds moving inside the atmosphere of this planet.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and Cassini Spacekraft have explored the planet Saturn. Cassini Spacekraft was launched in 1997. He reached Saturn in the year 2004. Since then it has tried to understand the planet Saturn closely.

Regarding the current picture, NASA says that the Aurora which is formed on the planet Saturn is due to the pressure of solar winds. The picture was captured in 2004. The special thing is that Aurora on the earth appears for a few minutes for hours, while on the planet Saturn they appear for several days. This picture was captured by Hubble Telescope, which has been monitoring our universe for the last 30 years.

This picture of NASA is very much liked by Internet users. This Instagram post has so far received more than 2 lakh likes. Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland etc. are considered to be the best place to see Aurora on the earth.

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