Humans will stay on Mars
Humans will stay on Mars

There are two big contenders in space at this time! America and China. There is a competition between the two to be ahead. Whether to send missions on the moon or again on Mars, America is getting direct collision from China. The US space agency NASA has flown a robot numa helicopter on Mars, which has taken more than 60 times. China is also making a similar plan. However, the quadcopter he wants to blow up can be foldable.

Spacedotcom Report According to a journal Article I have been told about the design of that helicopter. It is said that China will collect samples on Mars with the help of its helicopter. This mission can start between 2028 and 2030.

According to the report, the presentation of China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) officer earlier this year showed that the helicopter could be a part of the Mars Mission. However, researchers have explained the design of the foldable Mars Quadcopter in a paper. It is currently named Marsbird-VII (Marsbird-VII).

It will be made folded because space can be saved in the journey of Mars. The report says that the foldable helicopter itself will be deployed. It will be able to collect up to 100 grams of samples. To fly on Mars, the helicopter will use a special navigation system, which is not yet known.

However, neither its design is final nor any plan has been made to develop it. If Marsbird-VII takes shape and is also successful in the test, Mars mission will be easier for China. Currently, NASA’s ingenity helicopter is the only one who is traveling on the red planet.

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