Today India is going to have a lunar eclipse. Starting on the night of 28 October, this eclipse will also enter on the night of 29 October and will last long. This will be a partial eclipse, that is, a small part of the moon will come under the influence of the eclipse. The lunar eclipse appears when the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon. In such a situation, the earth stops sunlight. Let us know in which countries the lunar eclipse can be seen in 2023 and how live can be seen.

Today is the last lunar eclipse of 2023. It is said for lunar eclipse that it takes place on the full moon day. Today’s eclipse will start in India at 11.30 pm and will run till 2.24 pm. Apart from India, this eclipse can also be seen in countries like Australia, North America, East and South America, Indian Ocean, Atlantic and Antarctica etc.

How to see lunar eclipse 2023
If you want to see lunar eclipse live then we have told you the time. It also appeared on the Internet through live streaming. The lunar eclipse can be seen live on Time and Date’s YouTube channel, whose link is being given here.

Also to see the lunar eclipse you Can also visit. It will also be shown live on the Virtual Telescope Project and its live will start at 11.30 am on the YouTube channel of Griffith Observatorry. Talking about India, the maximum effect of eclipse will be from 1.6 to 6 minutes to 2 to 22 minutes. It will be seen in many cities of India including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Varanasi, Kanpur, Lucknow.

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