Japan Asteroid Mission: Japan’s Space Agency ‘Jaxa’ is behind the rest of the countries to send a mission to the moon, but Esteroids are on its ‘target’. ‘Jacks’ is one of the selected agencies in the world who took the samples taken from Estroid ‘Ryugu’ to the earth in 2020. Now she is going to test a technology that aims to stop or waste the estateroids that target the earth in time. The special thing is that the US space agency NASA (NASA) has done so under a mission named Dart last year.

One of independent Report It is reported that Jacks is preparing its Hayabusa2 spacecraft. This will target the fast -moving estate to the earth.

Zaksa launched Hayabusa 2 in the year 2014 as well. Then its goal was Estroid ‘162173 Ryugu’. After 4 years of journey, Hayabusa 2 reached his goal Rayugu. He surveyed Estroid for about 18 months and then gathered samples from him and took him to the earth in the year 2020.

Even today, scientists are investigating those samples in different ways so that the truth related to the beginning of our planet can be revealed. The people of Jacks had said in the year 2020 that he would use Xinn Propalent in the mission. Jacks plans to target Estroid 2002 CC21. Not only this, by the year 2031, Jacks wants to target another Estroid ‘1998 KY26’, which often crosses the Earth’s orbit.

Estroid 1998 KY26 is currently about 3 lakh 74 thousand kilometers from Prithvi. Its object is about 30 meters. The purpose of this mission of Zacks is to make the earth safe. The space agency believes that such space rocks collide with every 100 to one thousand. These can harm our planet.

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