Scientists have confirmed the existence of Super-Economic, HD 20794 D, which is located 20 light years away from our earth. It was first detected by Dr. Michael Cretinier in 2022. The presence of this planet was verified after analyzing 20 years of data of Harps and Espresso Spectrograph. Weighing six times the month of Earth, this planet may have suitable conditions for liquid water. However, its elliptical orbit can cause excessive increase in temperature, affecting the ability to live. This discovery can help in future study by using advanced telescopes such as Extremely Large Telescope and Life, which aims to analyze the exoplanet atmosphere for possible signs of life.

A published in Astronomy & Astrophysics Study It is said that an exoplanet named HD 20794 D near Earth has been confirmed by scientists. The planet was first expressed doubt by Dr. Michael Cretinier of Oxford University in 2022 using the data of HARPS Spectrograph in Chile. The device detected small changes in the light from the host star of the planet, which showed that there was something, which was orbiting it. However, the signal was weak, thereby it was not clear that it was a real planet, there was no defect in the equipment, or due to the star.

To confirm the search, the researchers analyzed data of more than 20 years of another advanced tool called Harps and Espresso. The team has actually come out of a planet to ensure that the signal has come from a planet, carefully removed any possible malfunction. Dr. Cretinger said that after confirming the existence of HD 20794 D, he felt both happiness and relief as the original signal was very light.

The planet revolves around its star in the living area, which means that it is at a distance where liquid water may be present. However, its elliptical class takes it between the internal and outer edges of the region. This can lead to a lot of change in temperature, which makes it difficult to guess whether life is possible there or not.

HD 20794 D will be further studied using powerful telescope (ELT) and Habitable Worlds Observatorry using powerful telescopes. Scientists are expected to learn more about its environment and seek signs of life in future.

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